These are the most important factors to consider in choosing the various items that will make up your menu:
•Availability and affordability of ingredients
•Required preparation time
•Availability of adequately skilled personnel
•Equipment requirements
•Kitchen layout and design
•Profitability of the menu item
“The goal when pricing your menu should be to maximize sales and profits. However, this is much easier said than done! Effective menu pricing can be tricky. If your menu items are priced too high, you run the risk of pricing yourself out of the market or of driving customers away. On the other hand, if your prices are too low, you risk not only losing valuable profits, but also sending the wrong message about the quality and value of your food, beverages, ambience, and service.
One of the most common methods of menu pricing—used by both first-time and experienced restaurateurs—is the “follow the leader” or “monkey see, monkey do” method. Using this method, operators price their menus based primarily on what competitors are charging.
Source: Roger Fields. “Restaurant Success by the Numbers”
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