Dirty glasses can change the taste of beer, wine, and other alcohol. Moreover, it can ruin the guest experience.
Here some tips to have clean glasses in your outlet:
1. Water in the dishwasher can be dirty during the day, change the water in a dishwasher regularly or have a separate dishwasher for glasses.
2. Polish a glass after cleaning in dishwashing machine, so water does not leave streaks and also it helps to remove residue of the chemicals. Use clean cloth otherwise, the glasses will be smelly.
3. After washing bring the glasses outside to dry it. The place should have good air circulation.
4. You can use extra tools such as motorised cleaning brushes, lint-free cloth.
5. Train your staff on how to clean glasses.
6. Store clean glasses properly. Store in open shelf and check glass for cleanness before using them.
7. Clean seldom used glasses once a week.