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One of the keys to competing successfully is keeping up with the latest food trends, which can help you develop your unique selling proposition. One of the reasons that chains are so successful is that they have a pretty good idea of what their customers are looking for. To keep up with current trends, they spend thousands, if not millions, of dollars to hire research-and-development specialists, who research trade publications, study their competitors, analyze trend data, and conduct extensive focus group testing.

You may not have the resources to hire a culinary research-and-development team like the chains do, but you can still stay current. Eat at various types of popular restaurants, read trade journals (which, by the way, often publish chain operators’ research findings), and read other popular food and wine magazines.

Source: Roger Fields. “Restaurant Success by the Numbers”

When dining in Singapore, it's essential to ensure that your restaurant maintains high standards of cleanliness, especially in the kitchen. Using quality cleaning chemicals for your dishwashing machine is crucial for hygiene. Irys Chem offers top-notch cleaning chemicals perfect for any restaurant setting.

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